September 1, 2009

And It Was Born

I always wanted to be a writer. I used to watch Sex And The City wish that I could make my thoughts come out in words that sounded as beautiful as hers. Significant others from the past would write poems and songs and I would envy their ability to express their feelings in such a meaningful and honest way. When I came to college it became a secret obsession of mine, writing passing moments of some creative thought down in my notebooks, hoping that it would blossom into a poem or something more later. They never did. My senior year I would spend countless hours on my computer writing thesis papers wishing while the music was playing in the background that something more insightful was coming out of the constant tapping of my fingers on the keys.

So today, I had an idea. A rather profound idea, perhaps the most profound idea I will have for a long while. I am currently in the middle of what seems like endless waiting for the Peace Corps to tell me what happens next. I constantly have thoughts rolling around my head about it all. And I have never been more serious about the use of the word constant in my whole life. Always wondering. What is going to happen? What if I am not good enough? What if my friends have all forgot about me when my two years are up? What if, what if, what if?

Well today I have decided I will blog about these thoughts. I need no one to read it. I need no one to approve of it. I just would like to write. Write about all of it. Especially right now when the Peace Corps is teaching me patience. Patience is really just time, and time is a fools game, and I am a fool with a computer, so alas For Karma’s Sake is born. Beautiful isn’t it?

So now the question is where am I at in this whole thing?

Online Application- Completed

Letters of Reference- Completed

Interview- Completed

Background Check- Approved

Dental Evaluation- Approved

Medical Evaluation- Approved

Placement- Pending ... Pending ... Pending

I have been waiting for my placement letter for a little over two months now...I think. This is by far the weirdest part of it all for me. I feel like everything up until this part happened at whirlwind speed, I turned in my application and then letters of reference then the PC called to schedule my interview. Amazing how quick that all happened. At the end of the interview I was told that I would be a great nominee and my medical packet was in the mail. From there I did everything that packet told me to in record and time. Now all I can do it wait for the letter or the phone call to tell me where I am going and when I am leaving so. Well I think that is going to round up my first official entry. I don’t know how much I like the word blog now that I am writing it. I like journal better. Perhaps I will get used to it.

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