April 8, 2011

Banja Langa (My Family)

I've always been blessed.

I mean everyone is always blessed, all the time, but I think that when it comes to my family I really got a good hand.

When I was younger I remember my best friends coming to school and confiding in me the fights that they had had with their parents. I can still say that at 24 years old, I've never been in a fight with my parents. I really think that a strong sense of mutual respect was always there, ever since I can remember. My house would be a safe haven for friends that were fighting with their parents. My parents always opened their doors to them no questions asked. Momma Julie always ready to cook a meal that would make friends forget the tears that brought them to my house in the first place. Or if food was not in order she would sneak in a shoulder squeeze at just the right time. Pappa Tom always ready to make people laugh with a smart ass comment, and then on many occasions he would say just the right thing just before we were off to bed. My parents have always been perfect! I have always been blessed.

The first time a friend from college came home with me for a weekend she was shocked by how nice my family treated one another. Mostly she was referring to the fact that there was no yelling in my house...even...gasp...between my brother and I! My brother and I have a very loving relationship, though he would never admit it. Every time I tell him I love him Zach grabs my little muffin top and says "yeah, well you're getting fat." But then he smiles a little smile and we both know. Or he punches me hard enough to leave a bruise. Meh, brotherly love. I love that kid! In fact the only time Zach has ever verbally said those three words to me was the day that I left for PC, when it counts, Zach always pulls through.

The point is, I've never once taken for granted my family. My mom always cooking huge beautiful meals for large groups of our friends that we didn't tell her were coming at a moments notice, I always knew that she would do it, and I've always loved her for it. Or how no matter how pist she was that I once again blew through my monthly living allowance and needed more money she always gave it to me. She still hates me for it, but she did it. My dad coaching my softball time from the time I was in 2nd grade until I was an 8th grader, I still tell people that with so much love it chokes me up. My memories of him teaching me how to drive...when I was just old enough to reach the peddles. Or how he would let Zach and I drain his fountain Pepsi just after he bought it! Or Zach bringing water to me in bed when it was really annoying. Or how if I was already in bed he would just come in and turn the light on and leave. Those are the moments I know we all love each other the most.

I've always had a good family!

When I went to New York for a summer I got placed in an apartment with two of the kindest people I have ever met. My Brooklyn mom and dad, Ruthie and Edmund. They were an amazing family and took incredibly good care of me. I've always been lucky when it comes to families.

About a year ago today I was going to see my site for the first time. I was fucking terrified and questioning if I was actually insane or not. I got there really late and was worried about everything. People breaking in a killing me late at night....a snake sneaking into my hut and killing me late at night...things getting stolen...my mind was running wild. But before I could get too carried away a tall fat jolly looking man came up to me and said in breaking english "I live just there, if you need anything, just yell, I will be able to hear you. You are my daughter now, I will be your father." I trusted him instantly. Some PCVs don't have host families, they don't have Atates that make them laugh really hard daily. They don't have Amais whose laughter brings them out of a gray mood. I've always been blessed when it comes to families.

I've always been blessed! The good news is that I've always known it, and I've always loved it. What continues to amaze me is how lucky I keep getting with my families. Mom, Dad and Zach, will always always always be incredible and the loves of my life. Always! I will always know that. I will always remember that.

What continues to amaze me is how I keep getting good families. I am sure someday I luck will run out, but for now I am going to enjoy the ride. Constantly feeling this loved from this many sides of the world is too good of a feeling!

The love of a family is among life's greatest blessings. ~Unknown

1 comment:

  1. You bring tears to my eyes, Maggie. No wonder you are such a wonderful person, with those families and with that attitude.
